How to Use a Vibrator on a Penis

Vibrators are often associated with women’s vulva, but they can also be used on the penis. This can be a pleasurable and intimate experience for both partners.

The key is to start slow and find the right intensity for you. It’s also essential to use lube and a condom if you are sharing a vibrator with a partner.

Start Slowly

Most people think of vibrators as toys for the clitoris and vagina, but they can be used to stimulate the penis, too. A little extra care is needed to ensure you don’t go too hard too soon, but the rewards can be arousing.

First, start by lubricating the toy and your partner with an appropriate lubricant, like Flow or a water-based one. Then, gently apply the toy against the head of the penis to titillate the frenulum, which is sensitive and can send intense sensations up the shaft. Many men find the perineum very sensitive as well, although it will vary from person to person.

Next, you can try stroking or rubbing the toy over the entire penis and shaft. Then, if you want to get a little more intense, use the toy to tease the head cock by running it around the edges. Finally, the testicles can be highly erogenous and a lot of fun for some men—although this will also vary greatly from person to person.

You can also try anal penetration, but this is best reserved for when you have a good amount of experience with a vibrator and know how to use it. It’s also important to be very lubricated, especially when you’re trying an anal toy, to avoid any discomfort or issues with insertion.

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Don’t Overdo It

Using a vibrator on the penis can be highly pleasurable, but it’s easy to overdo it. Especially if you’re new to using a vibrator on your genitals, it’s important to start out slow and work your way up. Try a variety of speeds and intensities, and use pressure to vary the feeling. Also, don’t forget to add lubrication!

A few drops of a water-based lubricant can add tons to the pleasure. It’s also a good idea to wash your vibrator after each use. You never know how many germs and bacteria are on your vibrator, so it’s best to clean it with a gentle soap after each use.

Some people may worry that vibrators will make them less able to cum naturally in a sexy scenario, but this is usually unfounded. Vibrators can simply cause nerve fatigue by providing too much vibration in such a small area over a long period of time, causing the clitoris to shut down. This is easily avoided by changing up the intensity, types of vibrations, and putting a pause on the stimulation every now and then to allow the clitoris to recharge.

The penis and the perineum are also very sensitive to vibration, so don’t be afraid to experiment with them! For example, a few men find that stimulating their anus with a vibrator feels great and can even give them orgasms. Just be sure to always use a lubricant and go slowly when penetrating the anus.

Read:  How to Cum With Vibrator

Take Your Time

Most people assume that vibrators are sexy and fun for women, but they can feel ahhh-mazing for men with penises too. It just takes some practice to find the right pleasure zone for them. You should have your bf’s consent before using a vibrator on them and remember to use lube and clean the toy between uses to avoid STIs. Try out a variety of different vibrators to see which ones feel best for him, and consider getting him one like the Yori that is perfectly designed to stimulate testicles and the perineum.

Start by running a vibrator over the parts of his body that are furthest from his genitals, such as the feet and hands, arms and legs, stomach, neck, and shoulders. This will help him get used to the sensation of vibration and give him an idea of what he likes and doesn’t, which can be helpful when he starts exploring his clitoral and vaginal areas.

Once he feels comfortable with the toy, you can try rubbing it up and down the outline of his shaft and making little circles on the area around the clitoral hood. Or, try it during oral sex; the back-and-forth motion of sucking combined with gentle rumbles can be an orgasm in itself. You could even let him control it during penetration. Just be sure to talk with him about what he’s feeling, and ask him if he wants to increase the intensity.

Be Patient

While vibrators are often associated with clitoral and G-spot stimulation, people who have penises can also enjoy a lot of pleasure from using one. It might take a bit of time to get used to it, but once you do, you’ll be on your way to experiencing a whole new world of pleasure.

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Penis vibrators can be a fun addition to solo play, but they can also be a steamy add-on to partnered sex. In fact, they can even help men who struggle with erectile issues. By increasing blood flow and stimulating sensitive nerves, they can make it easier for them to reach orgasm and keep an erection.

Just like with any new sex toy, it’s important to communicate openly and ask your partner what they think. This will give them the confidence they need to try it out, and you’ll be able to tell what kinds of sensations they enjoy most. Remember to always use condoms with any sex toy and clean the device between uses.

While there’s still some stigma and taboo around male sex toys, vibrators are actually pretty safe to use, especially for those who’ve never experienced them before. Incorporating them into your sexual routine can heat things up, and it’s an opportunity to show your partner how much you love them. All it takes is a little patience, some communication, and a willingness to experiment.

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