How Do You Use a Bullet Vibrator?

Bullet vibrators are one of the most popular sex toys on the market. They’re often made of ABS (hard plastic) or silicone, and they offer different vibration settings.

During solo masturbation, use a bullet on a low setting to explore your body’s erogenous zones. Try it against your inner thighs, the back of your knees and even on your nipples.

1. Turn it on

A bullet vibrator is a small compact toy designed to give you pinpoint clitoral stimulation and deliver a quick orgasm. But they don’t stop there, with their long flat edges that can stimulate a much wider area of the body too. This could be perfect if you prefer to explore different sensations or if you’re new to vibrators altogether.

The first thing to do is turn your bullet vibrator on and get to know how it feels. Then apply one of our top lubes, because vibrations travel much smoother on slippery surfaces. Plus, you can try out your toy’s multiple speeds and vibration patterns to see what you like.

You can also experiment with holding your bullet against your nipples, as this will send tingles through your entire body, not just your clitoris. It’s a great way to tease and seduce, and can be used during masturbation, foreplay or even penetrative sex.

If you’re ready to take things up a notch, try using your bullet in partnered play. Ask your partner if they’d like to take it for a spin and guide them as you caress their nipples, clitoris or other erogenous zones. If you’ve got a dual bullet vibrator, then you can even swap it around and use it against each other during doggy style or for g-spot stimulation during anal play.

Read:  Remote Control Panty Vibrator

2. Apply lubricant

If you’re using a bullet vibrator with a partner, try experimenting with different ways to play. You can use it to tease each other’s erogenous zones or apply the toy to your clitoris during penetrative play.

If the toy has removable sleeves, you can slip one over the end and then lube it up for extra comfort and sensation. Applying a quality lubricant before you start playing with your bullet vibrator will help to maximise its pleasure potential. There’s a weird stigma around lubricant, but if you want to get the most out of your vibe then it really does make a difference!

It’s easy to fall into a rut with the settings on your bullet vibrator, so try to switch it up and see what other configurations give you pleasure. If you’re using a remote-control bullet vibrator, ask your partner to take control for a change and experiment with the different speeds and vibration patterns.

A bullet vibrator can also be used to stimulate the nipples, making it an excellent option for masturbation and foreplay. Adding a little lube and then running the tip of the toy along your nipples can tease and excite, and it’s sure to send you on a ride that’ll lead to a big climax. You can also try running the toy across your vulva, vagina and anus for next-level sensations.

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3. Hold it against your clitoris

Bullet vibrators are super versatile toys that can unlock a variety of sensations, so take the time to experiment with them. While many people love holding the tip of their bullet against the clitoral hood for intense pleasure, you can also hold it against other areas of your vulva to discover new sweet spots. If you have a textured tip, try tracing it over the curves of your vulva to explore every dip and ridge.

You can use a bullet vibrator on your own, or you can include your partner. If you’re using it on your own, lock yourself in the bathroom or a safe spot and get turned on by sexy music or scented candles. You can even slick some lube on your nipples and slide the bullet across them for next-level pleasure. If you’re using a bullet with a partner, try gently teasing them by running it over their perineum and scrotum or around their areolas before moving up the shaft of their penis to hit their G-spot.

Bullets can be used on most erogenous zones, including the nipples, inner thighs, and lower stomach. If your partner is up for it, you can also use the bullet to playfully tease each other’s nipples or breasts, or for penetrative anal play. Just make sure the bullet has a flared base or ring pull for easy removal afterward.

4. Move it around

Many people are familiar with using the tip of a bullet vibrator to stimulate their clitoris but it’s just as enjoyable to use it around other areas. Try tracing it across your inner thighs, behind your knees, over your stomach, or over your nipples to discover erogenous zones you didn’t know you had. Some of these areas may require more pressure than others but if you’re careful and start slow, you can work up to that intense sensation.

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If you have a partner, introducing them to your sex toys is a great way to make them feel like a grown-up. You can even give them control of the vibrator for some teasing play or try it together as you explore all your favorite sweet spots.

Since bullet vibes are so small and discreet, they can also be used in masturbation for clitoral stimulation or during partner play for nipple, anal, and perineum stimulation. Just make sure you use lubricant and that your vibe has a flared base or method of easy removal for anal play.

Another hot tip is to change up your vibration settings on your bullet, especially if you’re in a rut and find that one setting is your go-to. Most vibrators have multiple speeds and vibration patterns, so experiment with them to see what you can unlock in yourself.

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