Women Who Love Anal Sex Are Finally Getting Some Mainstream Exposure

Women who love anal sex are finally getting some mainstream exposure. Lars von Trier’s film Nymphomaniac and TV shows like The Mindy Project and Broad City all feature anal sex.

Practicing anal sex can be scary and uncomfortable at first, so it’s important to communicate with your partner about what you want from the experience. Anal sex can be so much more pleasurable if you take it slow and listen to your body.

1. It’s a sign of trust

The stereotypical view of anal sex is that it’s only for gay men, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Anal play is enjoyed by women of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and can be an amazing source of pleasure. However, it’s important to remember that anal sex can carry more risks than other types of sexual intercourse. Unless you’re using condoms, it’s incredibly easy to pass anal bacterial infections between partners. That’s why it’s important to wash any toys or lube that comes into contact with your anus, and to change them often.

Women who love anal sex say that it feels like nothing they’ve ever experienced before. For some, it’s painful at first because the anal sphincter muscle needs time to relax and stretch. However, many anal lovers say that it quickly becomes pleasurable. Pain can also be a turnoff, so it’s important to discuss any pain or discomfort with your partner beforehand.

It’s important to use plenty of lube and take things slow when doing anal play. Otherwise, you could risk injury or pain. Anxiety can also make it difficult to relax, so you’ll want to start small and work your way up to what you feel comfortable with. For example, you can start by putting your fingers in your anus and stroking them around, and then move onto more complex techniques.

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2. It’s a way to relax

Despite societal expectations, it is not uncommon for women to enjoy anal sex. It can be a way to add variety or spice to their sexual experiences, and it is also an excellent way to relax. This is because the anus contains many muscles that can be relaxed through stimulation with warm water, heat, massage, foreplay and other activities, such as rimming. This involves rubbing the anus with your hands, fingers, toys or tongue for 10 or more minutes, which can be very pleasurable.

It’s important to communicate with your partner about your feelings, desires and expectations for anal sex beforehand. This will help you both be on the same page and will make the experience more enjoyable for both of you. Additionally, it is a good idea to use plenty of anal lubrication to ensure a comfortable penetration, especially for first-time anal players. Using a water-based lubricant like KY or Astroglide with latex condoms will be the safest option to avoid herpes and other sexually transmitted infections (STDs).

Anal sex can be a great way to explore your body’s pleasure zones, but it’s also important to remember that vaginal sex is still very enjoyable. And, if at any time you or your partner feels uncomfortable, it is always okay to stop. You can try anal sex again another day, or you can explore other ways to experience pleasure, like using a vibrator for anal play.

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3. It’s a way to get to know your partner

It’s important to talk about anal sex with your partner before you begin, especially if they don’t want to do it or have had painful experiences. Some people will say yes right away, but others need a little more time before they’re ready. Try to be supportive of their wants and needs and help them to relax. Using a sex toy, like an anal dragon or ring, can help them explore the area without any pressure and give them a chance to find out what they’re comfortable with.

You can also use foreplay to get your partner comfortable with anal sex. Caressing, touching, and massaging the area can be a great way to get the muscles used to the sensations. This is a good opportunity to ask your partner questions and talk about erotic fantasies too.

Be sure to have a condom and plenty of water-based lubricant on hand before you start. The anus isn’t capable of producing its own lubrication, so you’ll need something to make it feel slippery and smooth. It’s a good idea to put a lot of lube on both the penis and the anal, especially in the beginning stages. You can gradually increase the intensity and depth of penetration as you both get more accustomed to it. Just remember that anal sex can still lead to STIs, including HIV and HPV, so you’ll want to make sure to always use protection.

4. It’s a way to get to know yourself

Despite being something of a taboo subject, anal sex is slowly but surely making its way into more mainstream narratives. Lars von Trier’s 2012 film Nymphomaniac included anal intercourse, and both Broad City and The Mindy Project have featured episodes in which characters experience it. It’s likely that this has something to do with the fact that women who love anal sex are becoming more open about their desires.

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While it’s true that many heterosexual men and women find anal sex pleasurable, some don’t, which is entirely okay. Just like any other sexual behavior, it’s important to have a conversation about what turns each person on, and then be sure to get consent before proceeding.

It’s important to remember that anal sex can be painful for both partners. This is because the anal sphincter muscle tightens during anal play, and it can be difficult to relax when this happens. Luckily, the pain can be alleviated by using lubricant.

It’s also a good idea to practice different anal positions with a partner before trying it out for real. For example, it might be more comfortable for both partners to sit down and put their legs on the table while having anal sex. This can help both the receiver and the giver feel more relaxed during anal play, which can lead to a more intense blended orgasm.

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