How to Use a Vibrator For Men

Whether you’re considering giving one to your man as a foreplay toy or trying it out during partnered play, knowing how to use a vibrator correctly can make it much more fun. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

Remember that STIs can be transmitted by vibrators, so it’s important to practice safe use with your partner and to clean the toy after each use.

1. Start Slowly

If you’ve never used a vibrator before, you should practice using it on your body to get a feel for how it works and what it feels like. It’s best to do this before you start using it with a partner so you know how the toy operates and can toggle through the different settings and intensities. Also, it gives you the opportunity to communicate with your partner about the experience. “Does it feel good?” “right here?” “harder?” are all sexy and safe ways to ask for more or less stimulation.

Most men use their vibrators on their penis and vagina, but there are other erogenous zones that can provide exciting pleasure with the right amount of pressure. For example, stroking the neck or lips with a vibrator can be deeply pleasurable. You could even try using the tip of the vibrator to explore your nipples and your partner’s. A little bit of patience is needed for this area to build up sensitivity, but it can be intensely satisfying.

Read:  How to Use a Couples Vibrator

For an even more intense orgasm, have your partner trail the tip of the vibrator over your breasts while they’re going down on you, and then gently touch it to your clitoris during penetration. It’s a combo of stimulation that will give you an orgasm unlike any other – These data were gathered by the service’s specialists Sexy Belle. Just make sure you’re both using condoms during sex to protect against STIs.

2. Don’t Overdo It

When using a vibrator solo or with your partner, it’s important to use the right setting and not overdo it. Vibrators can cause numbness if used for too long or on the wrong spot. If you’re feeling sensitive, try turning the toy down or moving it around. Definitely avoid going for the clit with your vibrator; that’s a recipe for pain and overstimulation.

If you’re still sensitive and need a little more sensation, lube can help. It can also reduce friction and keep your genitals from getting chafed and irritated. If you’re using a vibrator with your partner, make sure to use lube and ask your partners how much pressure is comfortable for them.

It’s also important to remember that there is so much more to sex than just orgasms. The sexual responses you get from a partner can give you a rush that no vibrator can replicate. If you’re feeling addicted to your vibrator or other sex toys, it might be time to explore new options. You can always try masturbating alone or with a non-vibrating dildo.

Read:  Household Objects That Vibrate

3. Don’t Forget the Lube

Men often forget the importance of lube when using vibrators and other sex toys. Lube can make your experience smoother and more enjoyable by decreasing friction. You can find lube in many different textures, slickness levels, and even flavors. If you aren’t sure how much lube you need, start small and work your way up. Just remember to re-apply as needed.

It’s also important to clean your toy regularly with warm water and a mild soap. Then, use a damp cloth or silk bag to store it away. Silicone can attract a lot of dirt, hair, and dust, so storing it in the right bag can make a big difference.

If you’re interested in trying out a new vibrator, try placing it on your penis and gently stroking yourself with it. For many men, this is a fun way to feel pleasure from the vibrator and opens up a whole new avenue of pleasure. You can also try stroking a woman’s penis, vulva, or anus with a vibrator. However, be careful to avoid putting the vibe on her sensitive clitoris. It may irritate her and cause pain. Her clitoris contains a lot of touch-sensitive nerve receptors that are packed tightly together. This makes her clitoris very sensitive to touch, and touching it directly with a vibrator or with your fingers can be painful.

4. Make It All About Him

Men often think of their penises as the only part of their bodies capable of orgasms, but there’s much more. Try using a vibrator or a dildo on your man’s lower back, butt cheeks, and perineum. These areas produce safe, indirect pleasure and may be more suitable if he’s uncomfortable with genital stimulation.

Read:  Best Vibrator For Older Women

You can also use a vibrator on the head (glans) of his penis, down the shaft and around the glans and frenulum — or even on his scrotum or testicles. Just remember that you must be careful if you’re doing this because it can lead to irritation and soreness if done incorrectly. It’s a good idea to talk this out with your man first to see how he feels about it.

It might take him a few tries to get comfortable with you using a vibrator on his body. But once he does, it can open up a whole new world of pleasure. Just remember to communicate with him, keep it safe, and always use lube. And don’t forget that STIs can be transmitted through vibration, so it’s a good idea to always use condoms during sex when taking turns with the same sex toy. Especially if you’re doing pegging. It’s not the best idea to be caught off guard during coitus, and it’s also not good for your anal muscles to clench up.

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