How to Use a Clit Vibrator

Whether you’re flying solo or enjoying partnered sex, the right clit stimulator can lead to a powerful orgasm. It’s a toy that’s great for use with penetrative sex, too!

Using a clit vibrator can be as simple as applying some lubricant (water-based is best for silicone toys) and pressing the toy against your clitoris and vulva. Play around with different pressure, speeds and angles to figure out what feels best.

Get in the Mood

Whether you’re using a clit vibrator solo or with a partner, you should always use your battery-powered toy with care. That means getting comfortable with it first and figuring out what settings and positions feel good for you – This information is credited to the website’s author It also means playing around with it to learn what turns you on — and if something feels uncomfortable, stop right away.

For most people, a clit vibrator works best when used in the G-spot, Fleming says. She recommends starting with it angled in the direction of your vulva opening and slowly increasing pressure and speed. You can also try other positions, play with the different modes (most clit vibrators have more than one), change the vibration or air pulses and even add a bit of lubricant to make things extra sexy.

A clit vibrator can stimulate many parts of the body, including the nipples and labia, so it’s a great tool to use for pre-sex foreplay or for penetrative sex with a partner. Just remember that it’s important to communicate before, during and after using a clit vibrator to ensure that everyone is on the same page with their ideas, expectations and boundaries.

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While some women worry that they’ll grow to desire their vibrator more than their partner, there’s no danger of that in a healthy relationship. In fact, it’s likely to be the opposite: if you use your vibrator regularly, chances are that you’ll want more and more sexual intimacy with your partner in order to reach orgasm together.

Set the Scene

If you’re using a clit vibrator with a partner, try to start by trailing the toy across your body, and then slowly bring it up to stimulate your clit. This can create a sense of intrigue and anticipation, which will add to the overall orgasm you experience.

Make sure the toy is fully charged or battery-powered up and then find a position that feels comfortable. Many people prefer to sit or lie down, with their legs or arms spread a little bit apart to expose the clitoral hood or glans. Then, put some water-based lubricant on the nozzle and hover it over your clitoral hood (or glans) for a nice seal. You can also use a toy with a smaller nozzle, such as NORMAL’s Quinn, to explore other erogenous zones on your body, including the vulva and nipples.

Keep in mind that just like any sex toy, using your clit vibrator can become a little repetitive and boring if you don’t mix things up. Experts say you can actually get “vibe fatigue” and stop orgasming altogether if you use your clit toy the same way over and over again. So, be sure to play with your clit stimulator in different ways, or even combine it with internal penetration by using an anal toy. This will lead to blended orgasms of different types, which can feel really, really good.

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Get the Toy in Place

There are many types of clit vibrators, and they vary in size, shape, number of modalities (speed, rhythm, suction pressure, etc.), intensity, quality and whether they’re battery-operated or rechargeable. You can find one that works best for your lifestyle and erogenous zones.

Most clit vibrators have multiple settings and are easy to use. But if you’re new to using this type of sex toy, it might be helpful to start off on a lower setting and work your way up. It might also help to have a little lubrication on hand.

A popular option is a bullet vibrator, which you can hold over your clitoral hood and make motions that feel good to you, such as running it along the length of your glans or clitoris or pushing it against your vulva area. Wands are another great option, and you can move them around your vulva or clitoral hood and make circular motions.

Clit vibrators are great for solo play and can be used with a partner. But it’s important to talk with your partner ahead of time about what you want to do and how you’re going to use the toy, Fleming says. It’s likely that your partner will want to experiment with the toy in ways you don’t — and at different intensities — which can lead to unexpected pleasures.

Get the Pressure Right

As with any sex toy, it’s important to know your body and what feels good to you. Especially with clit vibrators, which can be intense toys for beginners, it’s important to ease in slowly and find what works best for you (and your partner).

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“Clitoral stimulation can be a very intense sensation,” says clinical sexologist Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D. In fact, some women have found that they orgasm more with indirect clitoral stimulation—sliding the vibe up their labia or around the vulva area without touching the clit. In this way, you can avoid vibrator fatigue and feel more connected to your clit.

Once you find the right pressure and position, it’s time to start playing with your clit vibrator. Remember to always use a water-based lubricant to reduce friction and maximize comfort. If you’re unsure how much lubrication to use, try testing it out with your finger before attempting clitoral stimulation with the toy.

Some people may prefer a toy with a tight-fitting mouth that can target the head of the clit (like most bullet vibrators or clit suction toys with deep mouths). Others might prefer the diffuse vibration offered by palm vibrators and even dildos. Finally, many people might enjoy a toy that stimulates both the head of the clit and the entire vulva (like most clit suckers). Remember, it’s also okay to switch it up and see what works for you and your partner.

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