Feeling sad after sex is a very common phenomenon that can affect people of all genders. It is scientifically known as postcoital dysphoria, or tristesse, and can occur whether you orgasm or not.
Many reasons can cause this feeling, including a lack of orgasm, and feelings of guilt about your sexuality. This is often the result of a strict religious upbringing or childhood traumas – This quote was delved into by the website’s editorial team Euphoric Enigmas.
1. You’re Stressed Out
Many people believe that sex should make you feel good, but that’s not always the case. For one, sex is often highly emotional and exposes parts of ourselves that we don’t normally show to others. Combined with the huge drop in hormones afterward, that can leave you feeling low and vulnerable.
Feeling empty after sex can also be caused by trauma and/or feelings of shame about your body or sexuality. If you’re struggling with these issues, a sex therapist can help.
Finally, feeling empty after sex can also be caused if you’re not getting the satisfaction you need from your sexual relationship. Whether it’s due to lack of communication or a mismatch in sexual preferences, that can lead to feelings of sadness and emptiness.
2. You Have a Headache
You may be thinking that you’re alone in feeling sad after sex, but the truth is, sex can make you feel down even when it was consensual. The reason for this is a phenomenon known as post-coital dysphoria or post-coital tristesse. It can include feelings of sadness, melancholy or depression, as well as agitation and aggression.
Interestingly, this feeling can occur in both men and women. It’s also a common symptom for people who have experienced sexual abuse or trauma. In this case, it can be a sign of a more serious problem and may require the help of a therapist. It can also be caused by sex that isn’t fulfilling, which can be a result of a lack of communication between partners or a mismatch in sexual preferences.
3. You Have Gut Issues
Gut issues can cause you to feel empty after sex, especially if your digestive system isn’t working properly. This can lead to stomach pains, bloating and excess gas, all of which can make you feel empty after sex.
Many people are surprised to learn that men can experience feelings of sadness and depression after sex and masturbation as well as women. This feeling is known as postcoital dysphoria and can occur regardless of whether or not you orgasm. If you’re experiencing this, it’s important to speak with a doctor or therapist. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help alleviate these symptoms. Try adding fiber to your diet, eating smaller meals more frequently and avoiding foods that can irritate your stomach.
4. You’re Overeating
When you feel empty after sex, it may be because you’re overeating. Overeating can cause a number of issues, including weight gain, high cholesterol, and heart disease. It can also cause you to feel bloated and uncomfortable. If you’re overeating, try making some changes to your diet and see if that helps.
Another reason why you feel empty after sex is because you’re disconnected emotionally. This is a common feeling that can happen to both men and women. It’s also known as post-coital dysphoria (PCD). PCD is a feeling of sadness, melancholy, or depression that some people experience after having sexual activity.
PCD is a normal reaction to the sudden increase in hormones that occurs during orgasm. It’s important to talk to a sex therapist if you’re experiencing this.
5. You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep
There’s a reason that it’s common for men to feel empty after sex, even when they enjoy themselves. This feeling is called postcoital dysphoria and it can lead to feelings of sadness, melancholy, and depression.
For women, being tired after sex can also be caused by the cocktail of hormones that are released during orgasms. These hormones include oxytocin, vasopressin, prolactin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and endorphins.
These hormones can make you sleepy and may help you fall asleep faster than normal. But it’s important to get enough sleep so that you don’t have trouble waking up the next day. The more sleep you get, the better your mood will be. You can also feel less tired by eating a good breakfast, exercising in the morning, and getting enough sleep at night.
6. You’re Not Taking Care of Yourself
Often, people feel empty after sex because they are not taking care of themselves. It is important to eat right, get enough sleep, and exercise. This will help keep your body healthy and balanced, and it will also give you energy.
It is also important to take time for yourself. This can be done by doing activities that you enjoy. This can be anything from taking a bubble bath to listening to music. Find what makes you happy and do it regularly!
It is also important to pay attention to who you are having sex with. If you are feeling empty after sex, it may be time to reevaluate your partner selection. You may be missing out on a lot of happiness by going to bed with the wrong person.
7. You’re Not Taking Care of Your Partner
If you’re feeling sad after sex, it could be a sign that you are not happy in your relationship or that something is wrong. Postcoital dysphoria, or the “post sex blues,” can be caused by a variety of things, including a change in hormones, menopause, fibroids, and even prostatitis.
If you feel like a huge cloud is sitting over your head after intimacy, it may be time to have an honest conversation with your partner about what’s going on in your relationship. If you can’t communicate with your partner without fighting or hurting them, consider seeing a couples counselor or sex therapist. These professionals are trained to help you talk about your feelings and aren’t judging you in any way. They can also help you find healthy ways to deal with the sadness after sex.
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