Wearing a Vibrator in Public

Wearing a vibrator in public can feel a bit like sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar. But as long as you use discretion, no one will know what’s going on, right?

This can be a fun way to spice up a date night at a restaurant or even while roleplaying with your partner. But before you take the plunge, run a few sound checks:

1. Pick a location that’s comfortable for you

If you’re new to sex toys, it may feel intimidating to wear a vibrator out in public. Fortunately, you can easily get started with a small bullet vibrator that is comfortable under clothing. You can even purchase vibrating knickers that have a built in pouch for the bullet. Once you’re used to the feel, try pairing your vibe with a partner. It can be a major turn on to let someone else control your pleasure, and you can use this as a way to introduce sex toys into partnered play.

If your partner isn’t familiar with vibrators, make sure they know that they are not a replacement for you, but rather an accessory to enhance what you already do together. Also, be sure to communicate clearly with your partner about what you are doing and establish a safe word or action to stop stimulation, especially if you are using it in public.

It can be a lot of fun to bring your vibrator out to parties and social events, and some people actually enjoy public play. This is especially true if the toy is remote-controlled, as it will allow you to use your toy with a partner far away from your body or, if you are by yourself, to control your own pleasure in a more intimate way.

Read:  How to Use a Vibrator During Sex

2. Use lubricant

If you’re using a vibrator designed for anal play, it’s important to use lubricant. This protects your skin and makes it easier to slide the toy in, while adding sensations. It also creates fewer places for bacteria to grow, decreasing the chance of infection.

If it’s your first time using a vibrator, take some time to practice at home before you bring it out in public. This will help you get familiar with the toy and learn how to use it with ease. Try using it on a low setting, and work up to the different settings over time. It’s also a good idea to do some foreplay beforehand, like reading erotica or watching porn to help you feel more arousal.

One of the most exciting things about public vibrator play is the taboo aspect of it. It’s a powerful turn-on to be able to pleasure yourself in ways you normally wouldn’t, and many people enjoy the power-play that happens when partners use a vibrator together.

For those who don’t have a partner, it can be fun to try using a vibrator in public solo. It can help you discover what areas of your body you’re most sensitive to, combat sexual anxiety, and get comfortable with your own pleasure. Just remember to be discreet and respectful of others around you!

Read:  How to Use a Vibrator As a Man

3. Wear panties

Wearable vibrators come in a variety of shapes and sizes. One option is panties that are designed to hold a small vibrator and have a pocket for the vibe’s remote. These are a great choice for those who want to feel discreet when using their vibrator in public. Just be sure to read the reviews before buying so that you know how to properly use them.

Wearing a vibrator in public can be an exciting and sensual experience. Many people are turned on by the taboo and naughtiness of public play, which makes it a fun and adventurous way to spend time. The key is to not get caught, which can ruin the experience and leave you with a bad public record.

If you’re a little nervous about wearing a panty vibe, consider trying one with a remote that can be controlled from a distance. Several models of vibrating panties have remotes that can be turned on and off, as well as have various speed and mode options. This allows for a lot of customization and can be especially fun for foreplay between couples.

Vibrating panties also make a fun addition to a picnic. If you’re going out with a partner, you can both wear panties and take turns controlling the vibration. This can be a fun and intimate way to enjoy a picnic in your favourite park area without anyone knowing about your little secret.

4. Pick a partner

Public play with a vibrator can be a great way to spice up a date or give your intimate moments a jolt. It’s important to pick a partner you trust and one who can keep a secret. You should also establish a safe word or action, like scratching your elbow or tucking your hair behind your ear, to indicate that the vibrations need to be reduced or stopped. If you’re not comfortable with your date controlling the sex toy, there are wearable vibrators that can be remotely controlled.

Read:  The Best Clit Sucking Vibrators

Many women are afraid to try public masturbation because they think it’s naughty, taboo or dangerous. However, if you’re in the right mood and the environment is right, it can be extremely satisfying and fun. It’s also a great way to help relieve symptoms of vaginismus, which is a common condition that makes penetration painful for some women.

When you’re ready to take your public masturbation adventures out of the comfort of home, try using a vibrator in a restaurant or while walking through an outdoor fair. Ambient noise can mask the buzzing sounds and, if you’re in a quiet area, the chance of passersby catching on is slim. Just make sure you and your toy are well-suited for each other – for example, some wearable vibrators can be switched between external or internal stimulation.

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