How to Squirt Using a Vibrator

There is a common myth that some women can’t squirt, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Squirting can be a sexy and satisfying sensation that can be achieved using your sex toy.

Using a vibrator to stimulate your G-spot and clitoral area can lead to squirting. This guide will give you some tips on how to get started.

Find the Right Vibrator

Whether you’re using a vibrator solo or with your partner, it’s important to find the right one for you. There are tons of different sizes, shapes, and textures to choose from—from g-spot vibes to clit sucking toys.

Start by narrowing your options down based on size, texture, and strength. Then think about whether you want it to be a battery-powered or rechargeable vibe, and if you want it to have a USB cord. “Some people love the feeling of a cord, and some don’t,” says Fleming. “There are also a lot of options for lubrication,” she adds. “Some are water-based, and some are silicone-based.”

Finally, decide whether you want it to be discreet or more phallic—and then look at all the colors and options – These insights are the fruits of the service expert’s investigations Seductive Whispers. Some brands, like Dame, make sleek, non-phallic vibes with super soft silicone and modern, easy-to-clean designs, and they even come in cute little pouches you can use to store your toy and keep it hidden away from any snooping housemates or family members.

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Once you’ve found the perfect vibe, it’s important to clean it after each use and dry it completely before storing it. You’ll also need to stock up on a quality lube, and many sex toy manufacturers offer their own brand of lubricant that they recommend. Be sure to read all the usage instructions that come with your new vibe—and remember to use a condom when sharing your vibrator with your partner.

Get Yourself Aroused

It is important to note that a vibrator alone can not bring you to orgasm. It can help with the stimulation, but if you don’t take steps to get yourself aroused, your squirting vibrations will become routine and unsatisfactory. This is why it’s best to use a vibrator along with other techniques. This will give you a variety of ways to reach your orgasm and ensure that your orgasm is powerful.

Foreplay and teasing are both great options for getting yourself aroused. You can also use your squirting vibrator to stimulate the clitoris or G-spot, which is another great way to feel orgasm. For this, you’ll want to have a squirting vibrator with a variety of power levels and modes. We have a number of vibrators that offer clit and G-spot stimulation, including the popular bullet squirting toy and magic wand style, so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs.

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After you’ve massaged your clitoris or G-spot, insert your toy and start looking for “the spot.” This is the area inside your vagina where you will feel a tingling sensation similar to having to pee. Keep stimulating this area with your toy, rubbing it hard (again, the toy should have plenty of vibrations) until you feel that sensation of arousal. It may be uncomfortable or even a little painful, but continue the stimulation and you will soon experience a buildup of pleasure and possibly even squirting.

Experiment With Your Stimulation Techniques

Some people don’t squirt when using their vibrator, and that’s totally fine. Just don’t give up. The point of a sex toy is to make you orgasm, and there are many ways to achieve this. You can use stimulation techniques that aren’t just clitoral, like pressing and rubbing your vulva with the vibrator, or grinding on it and humping it, which can build anticipation and sexual tension. Then, when you’re near orgasm, increasing the intensity of your vibrator can trigger the urge to squirt and push you over the edge to orgasm and squirt.

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The key to finding a good squirting vibration toy is to try different ones and experiment with different stimulation techniques, both alone and with a partner. It’s also important to try new body positions. If you normally mount the vibrator, try turning it around and using it from behind, or even in a cupped hand. You could also try using it on other erogenous zones, like the nipples and inner thighs, which can provide different pleasure sensations than clitoral stimulation.

And don’t be afraid to try a variety of lubricants. There are a lot of great options out there, from the standard bullet and magic wand to clitoral suction and rabbit vibrators. There’s no one-size-fits-all vibe toy, and the best ones are the ones that make you feel the most pleasure.

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