Why He Stares Into Your Eyes During Sex

Staring into one another’s eyes during sex can be a powerful form of intimacy. But it can also feel really weird.

That’s why sex therapists recommend talking about eye contact before sex and slowly increasing it over time. Here are a few reasons why he might stare into your eyes during sex.

1. He’s really into you

Eye contact is one of the most important indicators of sexual interest. During sex, prolonged eye contact causes the body to release oxytocin, the “love hormone.” When a man stares into your eyes during sex, it is likely because he is deeply attracted to you and is trying to gauge how much pleasure you’re getting out of the experience.

If he is looking into your eyes while you’re making love, it means that he’s interested in you both mentally and physically. He wants to build a strong connection with you and may do this by asking you questions about your hobbies, work, friends, etc. He also might try to please you orally by giving you soft kisses and gentle movements.

Sometimes, he stares into your eyes during sex because he’s infatuated with you. This is an obvious sign that he’s in love with you. He finds emotional contact with you rewarding, and he feels the same way about sexual contact with you.

However, sometimes he stares into your eyes because he wants to feel powerful over you. This is a manipulative tactic that many men use to control their partners. He feels that he needs to know that you can’t resist him or have any will of your own. He wants to be your hero, and he will use this power over you to his advantage.

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2. He’s a shy guy

Shy guys often have trouble making it super obvious that they like you, especially when they’re in a group situation. However, they still give off tons of unique signs that you should watch out for!

One of the main signs that a shy guy likes you is that he pays attention to the details about you. He might pay close attention to your voice inflection and the way you pronounce certain words, or he might notice when you blink or when you smile at him. He’s also likely to listen closely when you talk about your feelings or if you’re complaining about something.

If you ask him to do a favor for you, he will probably go out of his way to make sure that he can. He may offer to run errands for you or bring you soup when you’re sick. He’s trying to show that he cares about you and that he can be depended on.

Another sign that a shy guy likes you is if he gets jealous when you talk to other guys. He’s worried that you might fall for someone else before he can tell you how he feels! He’s working up the courage to talk to you, so he may make awkward pauses or stammers. However, he’ll eventually get used to talking to you.

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3. He’s trying to read your responses

If you have a guy who stares into your eyes while you’re making love, it means he is trying to read your responses. During this intimate time, he wants to make sure that you are enjoying yourself and that he is satisfying you as much as possible. Verbal communication is a bit intimidating during this time, so he is going to look to your nonverbal cues like moans and groans to see what you enjoy the most.

Prolonged eye contact is known to make our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin, which is also a natural aphrodisiac. Whether he’s down on you or just caressing your breasts, he’s using this technique to enhance the feelings of pleasure and euphoria that both of you are experiencing.

While he could simply be interested in you as a person, it’s more likely that he is staring into your eyes because he admires your intelligence and wit. He’s admiring your ability to communicate so well without words, and he is drawn to you because of it.

However, this doesn’t mean that all men who make eye contact with you while you’re making love are good guys. There are many men who use tactics like prolonged eye contact to intimidate or manipulate you. If a guy is always doing this, it’s important to be wary of him.

4. He’s trying to make you feel vulnerable

He knows that when he stares into your eyes, you’ll feel vulnerable. This is why he does it, he wants you to know that he’s not scared of your deepest secrets and fears. He believes that if you can see that side of him, you’ll be more likely to trust him and let him in.

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This is also why he shares so much personal information with you. He feels safe telling you things he wouldn’t share with most people, because he knows that you’ll be understanding and will support him no matter what. This is one of the signs that he’s in love with you, because he can tell that he’s vulnerable with you.

While it might be scary to think about letting your guard down in front of someone you like, it’s important to remember that vulnerability is an essential part of any romantic relationship. Vulnerability can be a huge source of passion between the sheets, and it can also help you connect on a deeper level with your partner. If he’s trying to make you feel vulnerable, it means that he really cares about you and wants to form a close, intimate bond. So don’t be afraid to let him in! You’ll only be happier in the long run. If you’re not up for this, it’s okay – just be honest with him and explain that you aren’t comfortable sharing this type of information at this stage in the game.

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