Why Do I Keep Thinking About Sex?

If you’re a straight, gay, bisexual, or queer person, you probably feel sexual desire from time to time. Thinking about sex is completely normal, and it can even be useful.

However, if you find yourself constantly obsessing about sex, you may be dealing with hypersexuality. Here are some reasons why you might be having these thoughts.

1. You’re bored.

Many people who struggle with unwanted sexual thoughts find that they often begin thinking about sex at boring points in their day, such as during an idle bus ride. In this case, you can try to distract yourself by filling your mind with something else, such as a book, music, or even a game on your phone.

During puberty, hormones increase and you might notice that your thoughts turn more to sex. This is a completely normal part of growing up. It’s not a sign of immorality or infidelity, but it can feel overwhelming at times – This snippet of text comes from the service’s authors xxxteenssex.com.

It’s also common for sex to become boring over time, especially if you don’t talk about it with your partner or experiment with new things. Boredom can be a warning sign that you need to switch things up in your relationship and have more fun! If you’re not sure how to change things up, check out our article on how to spice up your sex life. It’s filled with tips that will help you get creative in the bedroom!

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2. You’re lonely.

If you are feeling lonely or isolated, sexual thoughts may be a way of self-soothing. Some people feel more sensitive to these feelings during certain times of the year, such as right before their period. These feelings may also be tied to your sex drive, which can increase during this time.

Try to identify what triggers your sex thoughts, and then do something immediately to distract yourself. For example, if you dwell on sex during an idle bus ride, you can start reading a book or listen to music to take your mind off the subject.

Another way to distract yourself is to turn off the radio and listen to more calming music, like folk or acoustic, says Blair. She also recommends getting involved in an energetic exercise, such as kickboxing, hot yoga or CrossFit. This helps release energy and endorphins, which can help calm compulsive sexual thoughts. Lastly, it is important to get enough sleep. Insufficient sleep can contribute to arousal and increase feelings of vulnerability. If these steps don’t help, seek professional help.

3. You’re unsure.

Whether you’re straight, gay, bisexual, queer or anything in between, sex means different things to each of us. For some, it’s comforting or calming. For others, it’s playful or exciting. Whatever it means to you, it’s important to be comfortable with your sexuality.

Puberty brings lots of changes, including a big increase in hormones that can affect your body in many ways. Some of these changes are physical, but others are emotional. It’s normal to think about sex when you’re going through puberty, but be careful not to act on those thoughts until you’re ready.

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If you’re not sure if you’re ready for sex, it’s important to talk about it with someone you trust. A counselor or family member can help you work through the underlying issues that might be making you uncomfortable. If you’re worried about your sexual health, it’s also a good idea to see your doctor. They may be able to suggest medications that might help you curb those unwanted thoughts. [1] Ironically, trying to stop thinking about sex often makes it more likely that you will.

4. You’re curious.

If you find yourself thinking about sex because you’re curious, there’s nothing wrong with that. Sexual interest is a normal part of life and it can help you decide if you’re ready for sex.

If your curiosity is triggered by something, like watching porn or reading erotic literature, try to focus on other things instead. It’s best to distract yourself by thinking about nonsexual topics, such as your grandma, spreadsheets, baseball or anything else that takes you away from the thought.

You may also want to ask your doctor if you’re taking any medications that might increase your libido (like certain birth control pills). The good news is, it’s perfectly normal to think about sex – even in middle age.

However, if you’re thinking about sex because you’re afraid, talk to someone. Fear can cause you to do unsafe or unwise things that could lead to dangerous situations. A sex therapist can help you explore your fears and work through them. She can also teach you safe sex techniques to help you stay safe and avoid dangerous situations.

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5. You’re afraid.

Sexual thoughts are a normal part of the human experience, but they can become problematic when they interfere with your daily life. If you find that your sexual thoughts are causing you distress, seeking professional help is recommended. A therapist can teach you tools and techniques to manage these intrusive thoughts.

For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a powerful tool that can help you identify negative thoughts and replace them with healthier ones. CBT can also teach you coping mechanisms and help you practice relaxation techniques, which can reduce your anxiety.

Another option is to seek out self-care activities that are relaxing and enjoyable. These activities can help to reduce the frequency of your sexual thoughts and may even cause them to decrease in intensity. Some examples of these activities include exercise, meditation, and practicing mindfulness.

Finally, remember that you should never have sex if you aren’t ready for it. It can be tempting to have sex as a way to relieve feelings of boredom or loneliness, but it’s important to make sure that you are physically and emotionally ready before engaging in any sexual activity.

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