Why Do I Go Soft During Sex?

When a man goes soft during sex it can be quite embarrassing. It also stops the momentum of intimacy between you and your partner.

Thankfully, it’s usually a very easy fix. Here are a few reasons why your boner might be going limp during sex:. 1. You’re nervous. This one’s pretty obvious.

1. You’re nervous.

If you’re a guy who goes soft during sex on a regular basis, it’s time to examine the underlying cause. It could be anything from fatigue or medication to the stress of intimacy or a mental health concern. Even certain medical conditions like diabetes can interfere with your libido, and the resulting flaccid penis can be embarrassing and frustrating for both partners.

If this happens once in a while, it’s not a big deal, but you should be concerned if it’s happening more often. It’s important to have a discussion with your partner and figure out what’s going on.

A lot of the time, it’s because you’re nervous and not relaxed. That’s not good for blood flow, and it can cause you to go soft. This is a common problem that people experience during one-night stands, but it can also affect deep relationships.

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There’s a lot of pressure on men to perform well during sexual activity, and that can be the root of this issue. They’re worried about how long an erection should last, and that can lead them to psych themselves out. It’s a bit like playing baseball: If you step up to the plate with the mentality that you’re going to whiff every pitch, you’ll probably do just that. Fortunately, this is an easy issue to address, and it usually fixes itself as soon as you relax.

2. You’re drinking too much.

Men often lose their erections during sex if they have too much to drink. Alcohol gives you liquid courage, but too many drinks can actually cause circulation issues that will make it difficult to maintain an erection. If you are drinking too much, try taking a few sips of water or eating something salty to help increase blood flow to your penis.

Tobacco use also makes you go soft during sex because it causes your blood vessels to become more rigid, which makes it harder for them to transport blood to the penis. This can also lead to prostate problems and even infertility, so it is important to quit using tobacco products if you want to have good sexual performance.

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A sense of worry or anxiety about your sexual performance can also be a reason that you go soft during sex. If you find yourself worrying about whether your erection will last long enough or about what your partner will think of your sexual performance, it is time to get over that.

3. You’re taking medication.

Taking medication can definitely impact your sexual performance, especially if it’s an antidepressant. In fact, antidepressants are one of the leading causes of premature ejaculation in men.

If you’re taking medications like SSRIs, try increasing the dosage or trying another medication to see if this helps with your performance. If you’re concerned about your performance, talk to your doctor about it.

Women can also experience a decrease in libido from the use of certain medications, including oral contraceptives and hormone therapy. For these women, a simple solution is to bump up their progesterone levels, which will often fix the problem. Talk to your doctor about this issue if it’s a consistent problem. They may recommend a prescription medication called Vardenafil, commonly known as Levitra.

4. You’re not relaxed.

Often, the cause of this issue is a woman’s body going through menopause. This happens when the body stops producing sex hormones, and it can lead to issues with an erection during copulation. The good news is that a simple bump in progesterone usually fixes this problem in a matter of weeks.

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For some men, anxiety around sexual performance can be a major reason for their erections going soft during sex. They may hear conflicting messages about how long an erection should last, and this can be very frustrating for them.

When this is the case, a little work can be done to make sure that the man is in a very relaxed state of mind before he attempts to have sex with his partner. This will help to keep his mind off of potential failure and more focused on enjoying the sensations he is experiencing. This can be difficult to do in a one-night stand, but it is generally easier to accomplish in a deep relationship.

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