What to Eat Before Anal Sex

Bottoms and tops know that anal sex can be messy, but there are ways to reduce the chance of pooping during coitus. A healthy diet that is high in fiber and a daily dose of psyllium fibre can help keep anal walls clean and free from poop particles.

And using condoms is always recommended, because anal sex can create micro-fissures that are gateways for STIs.

1. Fruits

Most bottoms know that ody fluids make their way into the anal canal from time to time. But if you want to keep them from making an unexpected appearance during coitus, diet can play a big role.

A high-fiber diet and a fiber supplement such as psyllium can lead to regular, healthy poops that don’t stick to the anus. Plums, for example, are rich in fiber that increases stool mass and sorbitol, an ingredient that suppresses feces. Avocados contain magnesium, which softens the intestines. And berries provide soluble fiber.

2. Vegetables

Typically, fecal matter doesn’t hang out in the anus and can be easily cleared with a quick shower or wiping. A high-fiber diet (like the kind that includes prunes, berries and beans) helps with regular stools that are easy to clean.

Many bottoms will douche or enema their anus right before anal sex to ensure that they have no stray poop hanging out in the hole. But a good diet can help to prevent the need for this sort of pre-anal cleanup altogether.

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3. Lean Meat

A big anal mess can be a turn-off for many people, especially if they’re bottoms. But, as it turns out, there are things you can do to help ensure your anal sex experience is a clean one.

One strategy is to drink lots of water, which can help your bowels empty quickly. Another is to use lubricant, which can make the anal hole more elastic and reduce the likelihood of tears.

Also, a diet rich in fiber and greens can help to keep the anal cavity naturally clean as waste moves more easily through the body.

4. Eggs

Many bottoms dislike the idea of having to deal with poop while doing anal sex. Besides doucheing their buttholes, some also try to eat their way around it.

One thing to consider is to eat foods high in fiber, which reduces bloating and keeps poop solid. This is a great reason to include eggs in your diet before anal sex.

5. Whole Grains

Many bottoms douch before anal sex to ensure that their bumhole is clean and free of debris. However, douching can be messy and tedious, not to mention it’s not actually necessary.

Brigitte Zeitlin, a dietitian who works with Hall, says that eating high-fiber meals can help make anal sex more enjoyable because they reduce bloating and keep poop solid.

She also recommends drinking plenty of water before and during anal sex to help lubricate the area. This can help make it easier to insert and reduce pain and discomfort.

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6. Dairy

Eating high-fiber foods can help your poop stay more solid, and this could make anal sex more comfortable and pleasurable. But it’s also important to avoid foods that can cause gas and bloating.

Before posting a new recipe on YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, Hall sends the food to a group of queer people for test-drives. He looks for dishes that are low in dairy and high in fiber. He also limits alcohol, which dehydrates the body and can throw off the balance of your gut bacteria.

7. Nuts

A lot of bottoms worry about pooping during anal play, but it’s actually less common than people think. “The stool is stored higher up in the body in a valve-like structure in your sigmoid colon,” explains sex educator Bobby Box.

But to keep your rectum as clean as possible for anal play, you should avoid eating anything that makes you poop or gassy. That includes beans, dairy, and processed foods. Instead, eat lots of fiber-rich veggies and fruits or take a fibre supplement like psyllium husks.

8. Fish

Many bottoms know that a healthy diet is an important part of having pleasurable anal sex. A diet rich in fiber and greens helps keep the anal cavity and rectum clean and healthy.

But what some don’t realize is that diet can also play a role in whether poop comes out during penetrative anal play. And, the best way to avoid this is to eat foods high in fiber or take a fiber supplement such as psyllium husks. This will ensure regular bowel movements and easy cleaning of the anal rectum.

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9. Lean Meat

Eating a diet full of lean meats, fish, and vegetables will help to keep your anus healthy and strong. This will reduce bloating and may make anal sex more comfortable for both you and your partner.

Keeping a box of wet wipes next to your bed may be helpful for small messes that could occur during anal sex. However, this is not a necessary step to have anal sex. Most bottoms are not bothered by a little brown on the sheets. Rather, they are bothered by the inability to relax and have an enjoyable time.

10. Eggplant

Eating high fiber foods can help ensure anal sex is clean. This is because fecal matter hangs out in the colon until you have a bowel movement.

It’s also a good idea to consume plenty of water. This can help lubricate your anus and make it more flexible.

Hall said he hopes to destigmatize bottoming and encourage people to make sexy food decisions. He wants bottoms to prioritize their pleasure and not put it aside for fear of messes. Keeping some wet wipes in a convenient location is always a good idea.

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