Why Am I Constipated After Sex?

If you’re constipated, the faeces build up in your colon and rectum. This leads to bloating, pain and other symptoms that make sex uncomfortable.

But it’s important to see a doctor because you may have other medical issues like endometriosis, adenomyosis and infections that need immediate treatment like pelvic inflammatory disease and chlamydia.


Stomach pain after sex (also known as dyspareunia) is very common and can range from everyday bodily responses to serious underlying conditions. If you experience trapped gas after sex on a regular basis, or it is accompanied by other symptoms, like abdominal cramping and diarrhea, you should speak to your healthcare provider right away.

In women, sex can cause cramping that can be similar to the feeling of working out or doing strenuous activities. This is because the muscles in your pelvic and digestive tract are being worked and stretched in an awkward position. This can lead to tight muscles and dehydration which can contribute to the bloating, cramping and pain after sex.

For men, sex can also cause abdominal cramping and bloating. This can be due to many different things including, dehydration, working the muscles in an uncomfortable position and if there are any existing medical issues such as pelvic inflammatory disease or a urinary tract infection.

In addition to sex, hormonal changes can also cause bloating after sex. This is because women who are going through the menstrual cycle can have a larger amount of blood in their body which can contribute to bloating and cramping during and after sexual activity.

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It’s important to drink enough water each day – especially if you have a high-fiber diet. Fibre draws water into your bowels and softens your stool, making it easier to pass.

A lack of fluids can make you dehydrated, which can also slow down your digestion. This can lead to constipation and other gastrointestinal problems like bloating and abdominal pain.

Having sex when you’re constipated can be uncomfortable or painful, even for the most skilled couples. If you’re chronically constipated, you may experience pain during penetrative sex, especially if there is an accumulated amount of feces in the vaginal canal or anal canal. This is because the vaginal canal runs parallel to the urethra and anal canal, all of which touch each other, and can be pushed or pulled during sex.

Luckily, this type of pain isn’t usually serious and it will probably go away on its own. But if your symptoms persist, it’s best to consult a doctor. In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, a diet rich in fiber and exercise can help prevent constipation. You can also take over-the-counter supplements such as simethicone, which helps break down gas bubbles, or activated charcoal, which reduces bloating. There are also probiotics available that can help promote healthy digestive system bacteria. In some cases, constipation is a symptom of more serious conditions such as an inflammatory bowel disease or a sexually transmitted infection.

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Changes in Routine

If you’ve always had a regular schedule for your bowel movements and suddenly they stop coming or become painful, talk to your health care provider. There are a variety of at-home tweaks they can recommend to promote loose stools, including drinking more water and increasing fiber in your diet. They may also give you a rectal exam to check for pain, tenderness and any lumps or swelling in your colon or anus.

You should also be careful about having unprotected sex while constipated. This could lead to a condition called dyspareunia, which is painful sex caused by fecal matter in the anal canal. The anal canal is connected to the urethra above it and the vagina below it. Having sex while there’s stool in the anal canal can cause irritation, pain and itching.

Many people think having anal sex can increase bowel movements and help relieve constipation, but that’s not true. According to Madathupalayam Madhankumar, MD, a surgical gastroenterologist at iCliniq, anal sex will not alleviate constipation, but rather make things worse. It can even cause a condition known as anal fissures, which is a tear in the anal wall that can transmit bacteria from stool to your vagina or urinary tract.

Foods to Avoid

Foods high in fat can cause constipation because they slow down the time it takes for water to move stool through the large intestine. Additionally, fatty foods tend to be higher in calories and lower in fiber, which can contribute to bloating and constipation. Cheese is a common culprit because it is high in fat, which can interfere with the bowel’s natural functioning, causing stool to become hard and dry. Cheese also contains lactose, which can be fermented to produce methane gas that adds to bloating and constipation.

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Other foods to avoid when constipated after sex include processed meats, commercially baked goods and fried foods. These foods tend to be higher in saturated and trans fats, which can slow down the time it takes for stool to move through the digestive tract. Additionally, these types of foods are often low in fiber, which can contribute to bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Aside from avoiding foods that are known to cause bloating and constipation, people with constipation should try to drink plenty of fluids. Bonci recommends drinking at least eight glasses of water a day and adding fluids that contain fiber to the diet, such as juices made from apples, pear and prunes. She also recommends eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains to get more fiber in the diet.

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