Why Do My Ears Ring After Sex?

Ringing in the ears has a technical name: tinnitus. It can be a buzzing, hissing, roaring or ringing sound that you hear, but no one else does.

The reason is that arousal and orgasm can change blood flow to the ear and brain. When that pressure goes away, the tinnitus should fade as well.

Erogenous zones

Many people are surprised to learn that the ears are one of the erogenous zones. These areas of heightened sensitivity can trigger sexual responses and increase arousal during foreplay. For example, many women find it pleasurable to receive light nibbles on their earlobes, which are a highly sensitive part of the body. Kissing is also a common way to stimulate this area.

For men, the genital erogenous zones include the glans and frenulum of the penis, as well as the scrotum. Stimulation of these areas often leads to orgasms. But men also have erogenous zones outside of the genitals, including the mouth and inner thighs. For some, the bottom of the feet are also a highly sensitive area. This may be because of the high concentration of nerve endings in the soles and digits of the foot, which are very close to the brain region that handles sensations from the genitals.

It is important to remember that all parts of the body can be sexually stimulating. It is a good idea to ask your partner about their erogenous zones and try out some new ways of stimulating them. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results! Some people even experience orgasm synesthesia, where they feel a tingling in their earlobes or chin after orgasm. The reason for this is not fully understood, but it appears that the brain’s control over sensory areas is briefly lost during orgasms.

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Stimulation of the ear

The ear is a highly sensitive part of the body. It contains 25,000 nerve endings that translate sound waves into electrical impulses. It also plays an important role in spatial awareness. For this reason, it can be a powerful area of erogenous stimulation during masturbation and sexual activity. For example, gently blowing into a partner’s ears can stimulate the inner ear and enhance feelings of intimacy. Massaging the ear with the fingers or lips may also feel good. Licking the earlobes or gently biting them can also be arousing.

Many people experience ringing in the ears after sex. These sensations are called tinnitus. It’s not yet clear what causes these sensations. However, it’s likely that a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure during climax can affect the flow of blood to the inner ear, which can cause temporary hearing loss. Medications can also cause this effect. High doses of aspirin and certain antibiotics are common culprits.

Other reasons for tinnitus include a buildup of earwax, which can block the ear canal and cause hearing loss. Earwax is produced by the ear to trap dirt and protect the ear, but if too much builds up, it can lead to ringing in the ear. You can try using a cotton swab to remove the earwax, but it’s best to see a doctor to ensure that it isn’t caused by an underlying health problem.

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Temporary deafness

Most people who experience temporary hearing loss and ringing in the ears after orgasm find that it isn’t anything to worry about. It is usually only for a few minutes and they can hear their partner talking when they stand up again. However, if you are concerned about your hearing and think the problem may be longer-lasting or permanent, then it is best to get a check-up with a doctor.

Some medical conditions can trigger temporary hearing loss and tinnitus, including fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, and head and neck injuries. The condition can also be caused by high blood pressure, which reduces the flow of blood to the ear and can result in ringing in the ears. Other causes of tinnitus include swimmer’s ear, certain medications, and stress.

The ringing in the ears is often described as a low-pitched noise that won’t go away. It can be very distressing and distracting, but it isn’t usually painful. You can try to relax and concentrate on other things until the sound goes away, or you can take medicine that will help to relieve the tinnitus. Some of these medicines can include antibiotics, NSAIDs, diuretics (water pills), and malaria treatments. If you have tinnitus, you should talk to your doctor about taking these drugs. They can help you find the right medication to treat your symptoms.


While most cases of post-orgasmic tinnitus aren’t a cause for alarm, if you experience persistent ringing in the ears, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor can perform a thorough evaluation of your ears and auditory system to determine the source of the noise and recommend treatment options.

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Most tinnitus is subjective, meaning only you hear the sound. However, pulsatile tinnitus — when you hear a whooshing sound every time your heart beats — can be heard by a clinician with a stethoscope. Your doctor may also ask you to clench your jaw or move your neck in certain ways to help pinpoint the problem and find an effective solution.

Tinnitus can be a result of damage to the hair cells in your inner ear or from exposure to loud noises. It’s also a side effect of some medications and thyroid disease. The ringing sounds may appear in one or both ears, and they may vary in pitch.

Tinnitus is also caused by problems with the temporomandibular joint, which connects your lower jaw to the skull in front of your ears. It can be caused by clenching your teeth, head or neck injuries, and arthritis. Although there is no cure for tinnitus, researchers are working to develop technologies that can lessen or eliminate the noise. For example, a new device called Desyncra uses acoustic stimulation to “train” the brain into accepting and adapting to the sounds of your tinnitus.

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