Why Does Sex Hurt For Men?

While sex is often considered intimate and satisfying, it can be painful for some people. It is important to understand what can cause pain during sex so that it can be treated quickly and efficiently.

Uncircumcised men can experience pain during sex due to tight foreskin. This can lead to inflammation of the tip of the penis (Balanitis). This can be triggered by sex or other activities.


While most painful sex in men is temporary and goes away, persistent pain after sexual intercourse could be an indication of a serious health problem. If you are experiencing painful sex, it is best to consult with medical professionals for a proper clinical evaluation and treatment.

Sexually transmitted infections, foreskin issues, and penile deformities are common causes of painful sex for men. Yeast infections like thrush, orres and other skin infections under the foreskin, and STIs such as genital herpes and gonorrhea may cause pain during sex. Prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland, can also cause painful sex.

Tight or overly long foreskin, which may rub against the penis during penetration, can lead to sex discomfort. Small tears in the foreskin, which are sometimes hard to see, can also cause pain during sex. In some cases, the penis can fracture during thrusting if it is pressed hard against the partner’s pelvis. This is a serious condition known as priapism and requires immediate medical attention.

Psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression and a history of abuse, can make it difficult to achieve sexual arousal and lead to painful sex. In addition, stress can tighten muscles in the pelvic area and make sex uncomfortable. It is important to find a therapist who can help with these emotional and relationship issues, which will ultimately alleviate the pain during sexual activity.

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For many people, sexual pain can have a serious impact on their love lives and cause them to lose interest in sex or develop anxieties about it over time. Luckily, there are several treatment options that can help to ease the pain and restore a man’s pleasure during intercourse.

Some treatments for painful sex require little or no medical intervention, such as using lubricants to increase the friction between the penis and the vagina, which can reduce pain and lead to a more comfortable erection. For example, if the pain is caused by an infection, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), or gonorrhea or trichomoniasis, then a course of antibiotics will usually solve the problem and make sex much more enjoyable.

Other causes of painful sex include Peyronie’s disease, an inflammation of tissue along the length of the penis, which can cause pain during sex and a shortened erection. This condition can also cause a burning sensation during urination and can be very difficult to treat.

A strained muscle can also cause pain during sex. This can happen when a man is in an awkward position and accidentally pulls or overstretches the muscles in his body. Using a warm water bath and over-the-counter pain relievers may be enough to get rid of this type of pain.

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The good news is that pain during sex usually means something’s wrong and is often treatable. It’s important to talk to your partner and your doctor about what’s making sex hurt.

For women, sex can become painful due to conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) that causes stomach pain, bloating and other symptoms that may make sex uncomfortable. Women who have fibromyalgia, pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis can also experience pain during sex. The pain can occur in the vagina or vulva, which can interfere with penetration and make sex less pleasurable.

STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, can also cause pain during sex. Chlamydia, herpes and gonorrhea can all cause itching and pain in the genital area. Yeast infections can also make sex painful for men, especially if they are uncircumcised or have non-protected anal sex.

The sex position can also play a role in sex pain. If you have pain in the penis, try a different sex position. For example, some men find that they have less pain when they’re on top compared to when they’re on the bottom. A lubricant can help to reduce pain as well. You can purchase a personal lubricant at most drugstores and pharmacies. If you’re not sure what kind to buy, you can ask your doctor for advice. The key is to find a lubricant that works best for you.

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Men can experience pain during sex for a variety of reasons. Sexually transmitted infections, foreskin issues or an allergic reaction to spermicide or latex condoms are just a few of the possible causes. The condition Peyronie’s disease can also cause pain during sex for some men. It is a condition that develops scar tissue in the penis, causing it to bend and not become erect.

A strained muscle or injury can be another reason for pain during sexual intercourse. A medical professional can diagnose the problem and prescribe a pain reliever to ease the discomfort. Men who experience this type of pain should avoid strenuous exercise until the pain fades.

Other conditions that can cause painful sex for men include a birth defect called hypospadias, which occurs when the urethra is located on the underside of the penis, and phimosis, which is when a man cannot retract the foreskin covering the head of the penis. These conditions can be painful, especially after orgasm and ejaculation.

Some medications can also cause pain during sex, including antidepressants and muscle relaxers. If a man is taking these medications, he should talk to his doctor to see if the dosage needs to be reduced or eliminated completely.

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