What Does God Say About Oral Sex?

Oral sex is something that has been around for a long time. It is even practiced by non-primate mammals.

But, what does God say about it? The Bible is pretty clear that sex should only be done within marriage. It is sinful outside of marriage and is a form of sexual immorality.

1. It is a sin.

The Bible never specifically mentions oral sex, but there are biblical principles that can help us understand its place within marriage. First, the Bible requires husbands to fulfill the sexual desires of their wives and vice versa. Oral sex is a way to fulfill these sexual desires, so long as it is mutually agreed upon and done out of love, not lust. It is also important to note that the Bible defines sexual immorality as engaging in sex before or outside of marriage.

For this reason, it is a sin for Christians to engage in oral sex before marriage. In addition, the Bible teaches that all sex should be genital to genital. That means that the penis and semen should only go into the vagina of the woman, not the mouth. This is because it is easier to spread STIs and STDs through oral sex than through any other type of sexual activity. The most common STIs that are transmitted through oral sex include gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, HPV, and genital warts.

Generally speaking, oral sex is acceptable between married people, but it is not without its risks. If a husband or wife is forcing the other to perform oral sex, then it is considered a form of rape. In addition, if someone is having oral sex with their girlfriend or boyfriend, it is still considered a form of rape because they are engaging in sexual immorality.

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2. It is a sin to pressure your spouse.

Many people are concerned about their husband or wife getting orgasms from oral sex and they are worried that this will lead to sexual immorality. While it is true that you cannot get pregnant from oral sex, it is still a sexual act and can lead to sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, and HIV/AIDS.

It is important to understand that biblically speaking, sex is a sacred act and should be reserved for married couples. The Bible does not explicitly say that a married couple can’t have oral sex, but it does make it clear that premarital sex is sinful. Having a discussion with your spouse about what you both want from sex can help prevent this type of sexual immorality.

Oral sex can be used for sexual pleasure, but it is important to remember that it is not as satisfying as sexual intercourse. It is also not safe and can cause problems such as a weakened immune system, dental problems, and sexually transmitted diseases.

The Bible is not prudish when it comes to sex and many passages describe what most would consider graphic depictions of sex through poetic metaphors. For example, Song of Solomon 2:13; 4:16 and 7:8 describes the husband’s aroused desire for his wife. He compares her breasts to clusters of grapes and her genitals to pomegranates.

Read:  What is Oral Sex?

3. It is a sin to do it outside of marriage.

Some people use Song of Solomon to claim that oral sex is not really sex, and that it is a better way for young Christians to fulfill their sexual desires before marriage (since it does not put them at risk for pregnancy or STDs). However, the passages in question are filled with metaphorical language, and scholars do not agree on how to interpret them.

One thing that is clear is that the Bible clearly states that sex should be saved for marriage. It also says that anything lustful should be avoided before marriage. This includes any oral stimulation between a man and woman.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians that no man and woman should engage in sexual immorality before marriage. Then he goes on to describe what he believes to be sexual immorality, which is anything that makes one spouse more aroused than the other. This can include oral sex, but it can also include any other type of stimulation that does not lead to reproduction or procreation.

The Romans that Paul was referring to in this passage were a culture that believed that all forms of sex should be saved for marriage. This is why his words can’t be limited to adultery, which they could have easily been. The Bible teaches that any sexual stimulation between husband and wife should be done within the confines of marriage, and that all orgasms must go from genital to genital.

Read:  What Does Oral Sex Taste Like?

4. It is a sin to do it on your own.

The Bible doesn’t directly say that oral sex is a sin but it does tell us to flee sexual immorality. It’s important to remember that your body is the Lord’s and it should be used for His glory. You were bought at a high price, so you should treat it with respect and avoid sinning against your body. Sexual sin is very damaging to marriages, so it’s especially important that Christians flee this type of immorality.

It’s also important to note that if you engage in oral sex on your own, you are committing a sin. If you don’t have a spouse, it’s not your responsibility to satisfy your sexual needs. God designed sex and it works best within marriage, so you should only engage in sexual activity with your spouse.

Many people think that oral sex is not “real” sex since it doesn’t involve penetration. However, this is a dangerous lie. While it may not involve the risk of pregnancy, it is still a sexual act and can lead to certain sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia. Additionally, it is a violation of God’s commands to honor your spouse.

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