How Do Men Feel After Sex?

Oftentimes men who have sex with women are wondering where the relationship goes from here. While sex is satisfying in the physical sense it can also be quite emotional.

They may worry if they took too long to reach climax and orgasm. They also might worry if they were able to please her enough or not.

1. They feel like a stud

Men are egocentric by nature and they enjoy patting themselves on the back after a good sex session. Whether they’ve reached climax or not, the fact that they made love to a woman who was willing and able to give them what they crave is a huge boost to their self-esteem.

This may explain why they’re not shy about telling you what positions, rhythms and innuendos give them the biggest kick. Men often compare their orgasms with those of past partners, too. If the new girl isn’t up to their standards, it could leave a bad taste in their mouth.

So, if he keeps talking about sex with you and mentions meeting up again in the future, it’s a good sign that he doesn’t see you as just a one-night stand. This is an indication that he’s catching feelings for you. He’ll probably want to spend time with you in other ways, too, including hanging out at home or going on dates. He might even ask you to meet his friends, if he really is into you.

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2. They’re jealous

Depending on the relationship, this can be more of a nagging feeling than an actual jealousy. Some men, especially those in long-term relationships, feel possessive about their partners and fear that another man will take them away from them. This is usually a result of insecurity and can be addressed through open communication and reassurance.

For the most part, though, men are genuinely happy that you enjoyed their company and think it’s flattering to hear that they’re your favourite. They’re also preoccupied with whether you used protection and are going over articles about the effectiveness of your birth control method.

Unless they’re the kind of person who is a serial killer (which is not common), most guys don’t actually think about any other girls after they make love with you. Rather, they’re thinking about how they orgasm so much faster than anyone else they’ve ever had sex with and how amazing it is to have you in their arms. Then, of course, they’re wondering what you’re going to do about round two! This is why it’s so important for couples to keep the lines of communication open after intimacy.

3. They’re thinking about you

When a man has sex with you it’s not uncommon for him to be thinking about you. He’s wondering if you’re enjoying the moment and wants to know if he’s satisfying you or not.

He’s also thinking about what to do next. This can be in the form of a kiss and tell or it could be that he’s thinking about how to sneak out of the apartment without you noticing.

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This can be a little confusing but it’s important to remember that men don’t always think with their hearts when they have sex. They’re often just doing it to satisfy their sexual desires.

The next day he’ll be thinking about you in a less romantic way. He might be pondering if he likes you or not and trying to determine whether this is something he can really commit to. We live in a society that uses women for sex and objectifies them so sometimes it’s hard for a guy to see a woman beyond the act of seduction. If he can’t see you as anything other than a sexual partner then he’ll probably just move on.

4. They’re hungry

For many men, sex is just another one of those activities that happens in the course of daily life. Unlike women, they may not feel a rush to bond over a shared meal or a movie afterward. It’s not necessarily a sign that he doesn’t care, but it is possible that sex means different things to different people.

As with any intense physical activity, sex can burn a lot of calories, leading to hunger pangs. In fact, a 30-minute sex session can burn up to 100 kilocalories, according to research.

It’s also worth noting that for both genders, hormonal spikes during and after sex deplete muscle glycogen—the main energy source of muscles. Having a high-protein snack after sex can help refuel these muscles, making it easier for them to recover from sexual stimulation.

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5. They’re wondering where you’re going from here

Men are often confused about where things are going with you after sex. They’re not sure if they like you or if it was a good experience. They’re also wondering whether they can trust you enough to continue a relationship with you.

Another thing that goes through a man’s mind after sex is whether or not he made you orgasm. It might seem a bit juvenile, but this is a common concern for men. They want to know if they can keep their penis satiated and that they don’t have a “measly dingle”.

Despite what some people think, most men don’t just want sex for its own sake. They crave a deeper emotional connection and feel that sex is a way to achieve that. Research shows that sexual release softens a man’s tough exterior and allows him to enter the sublime experience of bonding with his partner. It is a profound act that evokes love, faith, and generosity. It is this emotional release that leads to long-lasting relationships for many men. It is the reason that they are so attached to their partners.

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