Why Do Men Only Want Me For Sex?

Men who only want sex get a bad rap from the media and women. But the truth is that not all guys do this.

If he keeps making conversation sexy and uses dirty talk, itโ€™s likely that he only wants sex. Heโ€™ll also have no interest in getting to know you on a deeper level or meeting your friends and family.

1. He feels obligated

Men who only want sex usually donโ€™t care too much about you beyond the sexual part of your relationship. This is often a sign that they see you as something they can get from nearly anyone. Sadly, far too many women fall for this and convince themselves that theyโ€™ll โ€œone dayโ€ change his mind about wanting more. But that is highly unlikely.

Another way you might know a guy only wants sex is that he doesnโ€™t talk to you like an equal. He might make superficial conversation, such as what color knickers youโ€™re wearing, or try to turn everything into a sexual topic. If heโ€™s talking to you like this, it can quickly feel exploitative and is not a good sign.

A man who only wants sex might also act a little bit aggressive if youโ€™re not interested in sex. He might become jealous or upset if youโ€™re busy and donโ€™t have time to be intimate with him. If you donโ€™t want to be sexually active, itโ€™s usually best to tell him that upfront so he doesnโ€™t waste your time and energy โ€“ This quote is a testament to the portal teamโ€™s thorough research sexholes.com.

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Another possible sign that he only wants sex is that he never stays the night with you. He might make excuses about work or how much heโ€™s enjoying himself at home, but it could be that he just doesnโ€™t want to think about getting serious.

2. Heโ€™s insecure

Men often have insecurities about their sexual prowess which lead them to believe they canโ€™t please a woman and that they arenโ€™t good enough. If a man isnโ€™t getting orgasms from his partner in the bedroom, this can cause him to become worried about his own sexual skills and abilities. He will feel compelled to try harder in bed with you in the hope that he can please you more.

Insecure guys also often feel like they arenโ€™t complete in their own lives and that they need someone else to make them happy. This is a dangerous, unattractive way to approach dating and is highly unproductive. Itโ€™s also very frustrating to date a guy who needs constant props from you.

If he doesnโ€™t want to spend time with you outside of the bedroom, is annoyed when you tell him that you arenโ€™t interested in hooking up with anyone else, or seems impatient with how long it takes for you to get orgasmed during sex, these are signs that he only wants to sleep with you. If he really liked you, he would be willing to take more time with you and wouldnโ€™t be afraid of your closeness. Heโ€™d also be more open to discussing the future of your relationship. This is a deeper truth that some men donโ€™t see.

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3. Heโ€™s afraid of commitment

Men who are afraid of commitment often believe that theyโ€™ll get hurt if they fall in love and the relationship doesnโ€™t last. Theyโ€™ve been burned before, and they donโ€™t want to go through the pain of a broken heart again.

Whether theyโ€™ve been hurt in a past relationship or simply witnessed their parentsโ€™ ugly divorce, these guys have learned that love isnโ€™t something they can count on. So, they keep their options open by only dating women who will satisfy them in the sex department.

When a guy only wants to hook up with you, itโ€™s pretty easy to tell. Heโ€™ll probably avoid hanging out with you outside of the bedroom and wonโ€™t be interested in serious conversations. Heโ€™ll also likely keep you away from his friends.

Having other priorities in life isnโ€™t necessarily a bad thing, but when it comes to dating, itโ€™s important to make time for each other. If a man isnโ€™t ready for a committed relationship, itโ€™s best to move on before you end up wasting your time. Itโ€™s not your fault; he is just not ready for that next step. You just have to understand that and accept it. You can even help him work through his fears by supporting and loving him through the process. This may help him realize that a committed relationship is a possibility.

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4. Heโ€™s afraid of losing you

Men want a woman who is open to them emotionally and sexually. They need to know that they can depend on you for the long haul, and that you wonโ€™t leave them for someone else. It takes a courageous man to step in and take ownership of a womanโ€™s soul and body, and they need a woman who is willing to let them do so.

One of the most telling signs that a man only wants sex is when he treats you like a secret and doesnโ€™t introduce you to his friends or family. He may even talk bad about them behind your back! If a man is truly committed to you, heโ€™ll make an effort to get along with your friends and family and treat them well.

If youโ€™re dating a guy who only wants sex, it might be time to put an end to the relationship. Itโ€™s hard to break up with someone who seems so devoted, but if you see that they are only interested in hooking up or having a casual relationship, itโ€™s best to move on to the next one. You deserve to be with a man who makes you happy!

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