How Often Do Women Want Sex?

A new survey conducted by fertility awareness app Kindara reveals that women feel like they are not getting enough sex. In fact, they crave it as many as six times a week.

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How often do women want sex?

As women get older their libidos change, but that doesn’t mean they’re dead to the world of sexual intercourse. In fact, research shows that women of all ages really like to have fun and get their rocks off. A recent survey from the fertility app Kindara asked a wide variety of women how often they want sex and how many times a week they reach orgasm. The results were fascinating.

Most women reported wanting to have sex more than they currently do. And 75% of them said they’d like to have sex three or more times a week. Thirteen percent even say they crave sex up to six times per week!

The survey was based on 500 women who use the fertility awareness app Kindara. They were also asked about their typical desires, and how important physical intimacy was to them in their relationship. The results seemed to quash common stereotypes that women lose interest in sex as they get older.

Interestingly, the survey showed that stress was the number one factor that negatively impacts a woman’s libido. Whether it’s work, kids or just general life pressure, it can all contribute to a decrease in desire. However, for most women the number one thing that will spur on sex is emotional connection with their partner. Foreplay is a big part of that.

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How often do men want sex?

Despite the long-standing stereotype that women aren’t as libidinous as men, researchers are actually (finally) getting a handle on female libido. A recent survey from fertility app Kindara found that most women want more sex than they’re currently having, with 75% of respondents saying they’d like to experience some toe-curling O’s at least twice a week.

As adults, we hit our peak sexual desire in our 20s, with most people having sex an average of 80 times per year, according to one famous study. That number starts to dip as we age, though. In fact, most people in their 60s report having sex only about 20 times a year.

There are a few key factors that affect how often we want sex. For one, sex hormone levels drop as we get older, which can impact our sexual appetite. Additionally, being in a relationship can also have an effect on how much we want to sleep with our partners.

But even when we factor in these things, most people still think that having sex several times a week is important for happy relationships. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be a strict rule, and sex therapists say that couples should focus on the quality of their sex life rather than how often they have it.

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How often do couples want sex?

A number of factors influence how often couples want sex. The average is once a week, but this can vary. Some couples will be most satisfied and happy with more sex than others. It is also important to remember that sex is not something that can be taken for granted, and it should be treated with respect and appreciation.

In the beginning of a relationship, there is often a period of high sexual frequency due to the excitement and novelty of being with a new partner. However, as time goes on, sexual desire can decline. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as fatigue, lack of interest, and negative thoughts or feelings about marriage or the person you are with.

Some couples find it helpful to schedule their sex, especially if they are having trouble making it happen spontaneously. This can help to make sex more of a priority and may result in the couple having a better quality of sex as well.

The sex and fertility awareness app Kindara recently surveyed 500 women about their libido and found that many women feel like they are starving for sex in their relationships, with the majority of women wanting six or more times a week. However, these women are having a hard time getting what they want due to stress in their lives.

How often do men and women want sex?

A lot of people think that women don’t want sex as much as men do, but that’s far from the truth. In fact, a 2017 study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that the average adult has sex 54 times a year, which is about once a week. However, many women would like to have sex more often than that. 75% of women surveyed by fertility awareness app Kindara said they want to fool around at least three times a week, and 13% say they crave it as much as six times a week. Most of them also claimed that emotional connection and foreplay are key to super sex.

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For most couples, having sex once or twice per week is enough. But that doesn’t mean that it’s the right amount for every couple. It all depends on your relationship and what feels right for you. Having more sex doesn’t always lead to a better relationship, and it can even be unhealthy for some people.

It’s important to remember that it doesn’t matter how much sex you have, but how much meaning it has for your relationship. If you’re having fun and enjoying yourself, then it doesn’t really matter how often you have sex. But if you’re not, then it might be time to find some new ways to get excited about your relationship again.

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